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GIVING BACK: Combatting Food Insecurity
At GB, we are committed to sustainability and improving our environmental footprint. This year our focus was on combatting food insecurity. Over the summer, we teamed up with MicroHabitatGo to https://ca.linkedin.com/company/microhabitat?trk=organization-update_share-update_update-text to install gardens on our rooftops of two of our national offices. We were able to grow over 30 different types of vegetables and yielded over 350 lbs of fresh food, which we donated to The Stop Community Food CentreGo to https://ca.linkedin.com/company/the-stop-community-food-centre?trk=organization-update_share-update_update-text, an incredible organization which provides emergency food access to the local community. Our hope is to cultivate change and encourage other organizations to optimize their urban space and help build healthy communities.
Community Initiatives
At Govan Brown, our expertise includes building communities in the cities and regions in which we work.
We have supported various organizations over the years via fundraising, volunteering, donations, and sponsorships. These are some of the organizations we are actively involved with, or have been involved with in the last decade.

Govan Brown’s national offices took part in a coastal clean-up to help remove waste from our local parks and around waterways. We recorded a grand total of 95.21 lbs of trash collected. A special thank you to all those who contributed to maintaining the safety and cleanliness of our surrounding environments!

Govan Brown is raising a colony of bees who will forage for nectar and distribute pollen within a 5km radius of their hive benefiting the biodiversity of the neighborhood.

We are honoured to have been the 19th hole sponsor at CREW CalgaryGo to https://www.linkedin.com/company/crew-calgary?trk=public_post_share-update_update-text’s golf tournament!

There’s exciting new growth in our urban garden by @microhabitat.caGo to https://www.instagram.com/microhabitat.ca/! From tomatoes and peppers to cucumbers and chives, it’s amazing to get a glimpse of what our future harvest for donation will look like. Special shoutouts to our very own GBee’s for helping with the pollination process and keeping our garden healthy!

Govan Brown associates shown volunteering for the organization @handuptorontoGo to https://www.instagram.com/handuptoronto/ where they set up a drive through food bank in the @vaughan_millsGo to https://www.instagram.com/vaughan_mills/ parking lot handing out care packages to those in need.

Our employees got their hands dirty cleaning out and maintaining the garden and greenhouse for The Stop Community Food Centre. @thestopcfcGo to https://www.instagram.com/thestopcfc/ is a local community food centre that provides access to healthy food for low income Torontonians and with the help of volunteers, are able to grow their own produce to help feed the community. Since the pandemic, food insecurity has been on the rise and we hope to help minimize the impact in our local communities by providing donations of food, financial support, and by volunteering for causes that matter to us.